Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring Cleaning and Lots of takeout...

Happy President's Day! This weekend was a much-needed long and relaxing weekend. Lots of errands, laundry and house cleaning! But the weekend was a little bit out of the ordinary seeing that my oven hasn’t been turned on in 3 days! We have a lot of gift cards from Christmas and because we have been so busy, we have been taking advantage of local restaurants and take out joints. Come on, even I get lazy sometimes…

Making better choices when you go to restaurants and local take out place is a motto to follow at all times. You can really fall into traps sometimes when eating out, due to the fact that everything looks and smells so good and even sometimes the foods you think may be good, may be the worst ones of all. Here are some tips to think about when eating out....

Beware of Salads – When we go to the salad section on our favorite restaurant menus, we always assume we are making a better choice. The truth is, just because its green doesn’t always mean its good. Most salads at restaurants will be loaded with toppings like bacon, hard boiled egg, blue cheese, croutons, fried chicken strips, creamy dressing, etc. These ingredients are the ones to watch out for. These simple topping can cause your healthy green salad to be as bad as that Cheeseburger that you were really craving. *Look for the salads that offer grilled chicken or grilled seafood for toppings, always ask for dressing on the side (so if you do go for the creamy kind, you can control the amount you are using), ask for oil and vinegar or the house vinaigrette.

A lot of places will allow you to get the “lunch size” portion at dinnertime.

Sharing is caring – if you are with friends, family or your hubby, share an appetizer and an entrĂ©e. This way you are controlling your portion sizes and your calorie intake.

Taking sides – beware restaurant style mashed veggies (potato, sweet potato, or squash), it is almost guaranteed to have more butter than actual vegetable. Ask for steamed veggies or a side salad instead of French fries or mashed.  

Cocktails - next time you go to order that fruity sweet drink at the bar, ask the Bartender to cut the juice with some seltzer or soda water. It reduces the amount of calories per drink and I promise, you wont even taste the difference. *Skinny Margaritas - fresh lime juice, 1 packet of zero calorie sweetener, seltzer water, and tequila.

I'm on my way out now to do some food shopping...regular recipes will resume starting tomorrow :)


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