Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

The holiday season is here..whether we like it or not they are starting to play Christmas carols on the radio, sell decoration in the store and we are all getting ready to indulge in Holiday time foods.

Growing up my mom always put on a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner. She would plan for weeks, marinating the turkey in all kinds of special spices, planning the desserts, inviting guest, ironing linens.. but for the past few years we have taken on the tradition of either making a turkey breast and a few side dishes or purchasing the complete turkey dinner (pies and all) from Gerard's Turkey Farm in Marshfield, Ma. Now don't get me wrong, Gerard's has great food but on a holiday there is nothing like the smell of a home cooked meal coming from your oven.

This year I have take on the challenge of preparing the Thanksgiving meal for our big deal..right? While in the process of planning my menu I made sure of course that the recipes and the foods will taste traditional and yummy but I made sure to also take into consideration that it is a healthy meal.

Here are a few tips to consider during the holiday season...
*At a party there will be lots of great things to taste. Try to take small portions of each (one or two bites) if you plan to taste it all.
*If you overindulge its ok! Get back on track the next morning.
* Include extra exercise during this season, I'm sure you could find a buddy to join you.
*Offer to bring an appetizer or healthy dish you know you and others will enjoy.
*Be realistic, dont make a goal to lose weight during the holiday season..just try to maintain the same weight
*Eat until you are satisfied, not stuffed like the turkey!

Here are some food tips and substitutes to use when preparing meals during the holidays..

*Turkey/chicken - Enjoy delicious meat without the skin and save 11 grams of saturated fat per 3 oz serving!! (OMG right)
*Mashed Potato - Use skim milk, chicken broth, garlic or garlic powder, and Parmesan cheese instead of whole milk and butter.
*Cookies and Cakes - use pumpkin puree or apple sauce as a fat substitute
*Go moderate on the alcohol - we all know its a source of empty calories and fruity holiday cocktails are usually loaded with sugar. Go skinny and try your favorite liquor with mineral or seltzer water to cut the cals.
*Food Safety – keep cold foods cold and hot foods hot to avoid any illness or food poisoning.

By the way...cookie orders are rolling in which is great!!! 12 dozen in total for this week J!
Check out the "Holiday Cookie Ordering" Link for more information and holiday platter ideas.

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